Science schools: and I just had an article published in the new fully onlineEDUCAUSE Quarterly. It's about our SL operating room simulation. this article, we provide an in-depth examination of the design,development, and use of one of these virtual world learning spaces,our Nurse Anesthesia operating room simulation for learning the basicinduction process. We also briefly describe the learning spaces wedeveloped for several other projects. Our goal is to provide you withsome insights into developing virtual world learning spaces andhighlight the advantages of those virtual world spaces over real worldspaces. Most importantly, we want to encourage you to target yourvirtual world development efforts on specific learning spaces forspecific project needs. In this way, course objectives and learningtasks can truly drive the learning space development, rather thanhaving to adjust objectives and tasks to the limitations of anexisting learning space.
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The depths> of those kinds of immersive builds are as yet unplumbed.> > This is exactly why I built Cancerland (,>;> I wanted to create another example of exactly this in order> to justify my interest in SL to some of my more skeptical> colleagues.> > > Unfortunately SL is largely seen as a failed venue for> traditional classrooms, which makes this an uphill battle.> > R. much more!