Saturday, September 17, 2011

My MOOC overload #CMC11

Ok I am doing it again!  I thought maybe I had lost my enthusiasm for learning new things in different ways. I don’t think I lost that I think I just couldn’t carve out the time to keep track of all the opportunities.  I am turning into a junky with the latest education initiative and that is a MOOC.    So far I know of at least four interesting MOOCs going on ..two of which I am trying to participate in and two others I am considering participating in at some point.  Right now I am in Change11 and Creativity, Multicultural Communication.  You will find my posts for Creativity and Multicultural Communication on this blog and my posts for #Change11 on and posts of the other classes, if I decide to participate on other blog sites.
This course covers  how to communicate in a social networked world,  the emphasis for this course is on creativity..and also how we can solve problems creatively in a social networked world.    According to the blog about this course we will be learning about how to utilize the concepts of connectivism and connecting with others globally.  
From Wikipedia: 
    In contemporary society, different understandings of multiculturalism have resulted in two different and seemingly inconsistent strategies:
  • The first focuses on interaction and communication between different cultures. Interactions of cultures provide opportunities for the cultural differences to communicate and interact to create multiculturalism.
  • The second centers on diversity and cultural uniqueness. Cultural isolation can protect the uniqueness of the local culture of a nation or area and also contribute to global cultural diversity. The concept of “Cultural exception” proposed by France in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) negotiations in 1993 was an example of a measure aimed at protecting local cultures.

Our communication, observations and reactions to other cultures should generate creativity and inspire us as individuals in our thought, actions and artistic activities. Other cultures have an indelible influence on us as individuals, it creates synergy when we work together.

Kate Davies, in her article, Sustainable Minds in the Alternative Journal   identified the following tenets that I believe are pertinent to this initiative:

Creating Learning Communities
First developed in higher education, there are now many examples of collaborations for learning, including spiritual, professional, online and neighbourhood communities. World Cafés, for example, can bring a diverse range of participants together to share perspectives on sustainability issues. Involvement in practical shared tasks, such as creating community gardens or building a transition town, can further stimulate active learning.

Fostering a New Cultural Worldview
A learning society for sustainability could foster the development of a new cultural worldview - one that is based on respect for the Earth and the great diversity of life on which humans depend. With its presumption of human superiority, the dominant Western worldview assumes humankind has the inherent right to over-exploit other species and exhaust the planet's resources. Developing values and beliefs consistent with sustainability will require a shared understanding of the destructive consequences of this worldview, as well as a widely-held desire to create a respectful, long-term relationship with the Earth.

.Embracing Diversity
A learning society would embrace diversity - not only different cultures and ethnicities, but also different ideas, beliefs and ways of knowing. We can learn from people who do not think like us because they challenge our assumptions, beliefs and expectations. We can learn from the wisdom of peoples and communities around the world that have proved their sustainability over hundreds or thousands of years. In the same way that the health of an ecosystem depends on its biodiversity, the sustainability of human systems depends on cultural diversity and a diversity of ideas and practices.
(Davies, K.. (2010). Sustainable Minds. Alternatives Journal, 36(5), 8,10-11.  Retrieved September 17, 2011, from Research Library. (Document ID: 2125349971).

I decided to do some research on the term “World Café” and this is what I found, I hope to explore World Cafes further throughout this term:

World Cafe :
The Co-Intelligence Institute:

World Café Community of Practice:
The World Café on Second Life:  The World Café is a conversational process based on a set of integrated design principles. Simple yet powerful, World Cafés can evoke and make visible the collective intelligence of any group, thus increasing people's capacity for effective action in pursuit of common aims. It is particularly effective when people come together across organizational, social or cultural boundaries to foster collaboration.
World Café Community Blog:
I can’t wait to find and share more with you.  The World Café is a model of connecting either physically or virtually and exploring our world together. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I tend to not get too personal in my blogs but today I have spent sometime reflecting back on the past few years and how pivotal they have been. I can say with certainty that these three years will define the rest of my life as I go forward in my future. 

I have lost both of my parents in the last three years, changed jobs twice, and moved three or four times ..I have lost track and not sure what would count so .. let’s just say that.  I have sold two house and bought one ---settled my parent’s estate and moved on.    In all honesty at some point I lost all emotion..I did not react I just did what needed done.  At the time it all seemed right and now I can’t look back I cannot change the past.

I have learned alot .. alot about myself and some of you helped me along the way..some of you know it and some of you may not.  Some things I learned were surprising and still continue to surprise me today.. but what it all comes down to is I love the experiences of life and my interactions with all of you.  

I have gone halfway around the world, something I never would have thought possible!  My trip to China was phenomenal .. here is some of the food and other things:
I also had a great vacation with summer with my husband through Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and home again.  We both agreed it was the best vacation we are planning the next one.



July 2011 trip 201

July 2011 trip 252

July 2011 trip 324

July 2011 trip 354

I have learned a great deal about the career I have chosen in education, my experiences have allowed me to improve my interactions with others.   I have learned a great deal about the philosophical tenets behind Open Education, the strong foundation and spirit behind People’s University and P2P, and traditional education.   I feel very fortunate right now doing some extraordinary things with some great people in education…always thinking about how we can improve.

I am never bored, time never stands still and I am happy in the present but looking forward to the future. I am happy to be able to see others succeed through education by the work that I do to help them achieve their goals.  I am still interested in virtual worlds for education, online education, and spend some time chatting with friends in Second Life and experimenting in there to see what will happen next.  My latest adventure has been to ramp up my efforts in art and digital is some of my work:


Does the below look familiar?


I have read a book or two.  Top of my list is Speed of Trust and Cold Comfort Farms..a little serious reading and a little fun!  I have   written a few blogs .. but my writing motivation has dwindled lately..hopefully that will pick up soon as I am starting anew class with Stephen Downes, etc.